cause cold
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affiliates Adilah Nazneen Anis Faiqa Qeyla Pawancheek Dee Alyahya Aiman Farhan |
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursday the 12th..
Doesnt make sense, i knoww. Its normally Friday the 13th, but today just happened to be my worst day in 09', at school, that is. Just my luck, huh ?I can't really sleep last nite, bersin-ed all the wayy. I thought of not coming to school, but i have to because i need to bring back my books, since the holidays are coming. (YAYY!) I finished 10 packets of tissue today. Well not really the whole day, it's like until, after recess which is arnd 11. So yea, i finished 10 packets of tissue in 4 hours..So i guess tht explains it all, huh? Ilaina didn't come today. I sat beside Anis for a while. Can't stand the panas-ness of my place. Damnn, y am i SO unlucky? I tried reeaal hard to do Maths, but i can't concentrate at all. I hatee flu ! So freaking annoying + disgusting. It's like u cannot concentrate on anything else besides wiping yr runny nose with tons of tissues ! Ugh, gross. Sitting under the fan made my flu even worse, haha. I've thought about tht, but i still wanna sit under the fan ! Haha. After tht, i went to sit with Amni. Talked with her, Shahirah, Raden, Mahirah and Raihana. My flu was getting better tht time. Then it was time for recesss ! Qiqi's first reaction when she saw me, 'U OK KE?'. Hahaa. She thought i was crying, figured. I didn't buy any food, instead i bought 4 packets of tissue -__-'. How sad. Qiqs ate roti canai ! Damn youu, haha. Oh ya, as usual, she cheered me up with her cracko-ness. Then i felt a whole lot better because i kinda stopped sneezing. Went back to class after recess(duhh). And i continued sneezing. Until Ofie asked me if i was okay. Syafiqah asked me to go home, she was like, 'Baliklaah !'. Hahaa. Which sounded wrong, according to Qeyla. LOL. Maddy even closed my Maths book, she asked me to rest. Hahaa. Not like i was doing the exercise, hehee. skip skip skip. Oh, i forgot to mention tht i've been texting my mom since like, first period, telling her i want to balik. Obviously, i can't cuz no one's gonna pick me up. Finally, after recess, abang was up and about, and he picked me up frm school. At tht time, i was feeling okay already. But still, i wanna go home cuz i was bored to death. We didn't learn a single thing, except for some stupid Maths thingy. Screw Bio ! :P Shahirah and Raden accompanied me to the gate. Haha, i can balik so easily, just like tht. Melawati, melawati.. skip skip Abang wanted to eat roti canai, so we went to ampang jaya. Haha, boo you qiqi ! :P not like yr reading this, heeehee. Went home, had lunch, skip skip skip and here i am, blogging about nothing =) That's all for today, i guess. I didn't know y i blogged about today anyway, what a boring + sick day. I was so miserable i tell youu ! Hmm, i guess they must think tht i over-reacted, it's just a flu. Ha ha ha. Trust me, u d.o.n.t know the feeling. Oops, here we go again. Hahahah Till then. Cheerio ! xoxo, u know u love meee ZULLY <33 back to top? |