cause cold
chills me to the bones
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zully says hi |
affiliates Adilah Nazneen Anis Faiqa Qeyla Pawancheek Dee Alyahya Aiman Farhan |
Saturday, February 26, 2005 @ Saturday, February 26, 2005
~**LiFe is Soo uNfaIr**~2day's a bad day 4 moi..not really bad but still..bad.. k, firstly, i got my english marks..but only section A.. 39 upon 40..k, i use dis font so tht u wont understand.. @ scool, when eng,ish test paper, the kids from teacher hamizah's tution were soo happy,espially her,she clapped her hand..then i sed 2 myself..sumting was not rite, now i noe, they had done d it @ tuition..k..thts it..not telling u more.. bak..just use d webdings font so u wont understand..hehe = )..owh, n 4 pemahaman i got 90..not really satisfied..me, sya, lee xia, farah n other peeps in my class got ninety..najihah got d highest mark, 96..cant w8 4 maths mark!!! OMG!!SO SCARED BOUT MY PENULISAN!!! ='(..nvm..wut is done,is done.. umm,wut else bout 2day?? owh...i forgot 2 tell ya..since dis is not my presonal diary or sumting, i wont write personal stuffs in it or 'mengumpat-ing'(mayb a lil bit) cuz words travel.. if i sed sumting bad bout this sumone, this sumone's bestie will tell dis sumone..got it?? gtg..wanna go mengaji.. back to top? |