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affiliates Adilah Nazneen Anis Faiqa Qeyla Pawancheek Dee Alyahya Aiman Farhan |
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
strawberry ice creaaaam
Nope, i'm not craving for an ice cream(surprisingly, :P), but..I'm so in love with lg's ice cream phone !!! the pink one, of course. It's soo adorable T_T I went to klcc a few days ago because i wanna go to sony, but it was closed due to CNY :/ So i went to LG instead. And i had a look at lg ice cream ! Hmm.. Since i have not been blogging for quite some time, let me start from the beginning :P I wanted to buy an mp3 player, or mp4 or whatever. That's why i went to sony. But then, Shamin told me, "I i were you", which is like, if she was me, she'll buy a new phone, since there's mp3,camera, n other features. Plus, i don't really listen to music that much. I asked Abang's opinion, and he said i should buy a phone too. But obviously, i don't have enough money to buy it aaah ! I hate the fact tht Shamin & Abang influenced me on buying a phone -_-' I went to carrefour just now to have a look at handphones. Not just lg ice cream :P And there's a few shop tht sells lg ice cream phone, hehe. So i had look at it and asked the sales girl to switch on tht phone. Dayyum, its awsome ! The screen is quite biig. What caught my eyes was of course, the sweeeet pink color, annd there's this lighting thing and also 'breathing effect'. And rite now, i'm soo in love with tht phone ! but i guess it's not love at first sight lah kan, ehehe. But don't blame me, i guess there're so many other girls out there are who are in love with this phone too, no? check it out ! oh em gee ! who's turning 6teen in 13 days? :O love, Zully xoxo, u know u love meee <33
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